"Let's Get It Started..yeah..Let's get it started Now!"


This is our garden this year!! I love it! *The small empty plot at the end is reserved for later planting. :P
I think the one on the left is a double yoke. saaaweeet!
Garden underway and chicken proofed--yay!! Husby is the best!
GI watering our onions.

Gwynni watering our bebe tomato transplants.

Our Spring garden is underway. I just love spring. This year we decided to expand our veggie garden. Last year we started with container gardening which ended up in a small square foot garden. So we have just shy of a 4x8 plot full of veggies, and a few strawberry plants. I did want to start some plants from seeds but since we are expecting our 3rd baby I just wanted to get it started. The site that I have followed for this years planting basically suggested transplants as I am pretty new to gardening anyway.
This year we have planted the following: Tomatoes, bell peppers, swiss chard, mustard greens, sugar snap peas, potatoes, eggplant, chives, onions, and strawberries. Some herbs we planted are stevia, and lemon balm. We will also plant some thyme, rosemary, cilantro and basil.  
We just purchased a composting bin and put the chicken poo, and left over veggies(if the chickens don't eat them) in it. It will be nice to have great compost nutrients to add to our garden in the near future. We may be city livin' but we are Farm livin' it up in the city! It was cold and rainy a few days back and I had to get out and feed chickens, clean some poo up, add more hay to the coop, and gather eggs--even in the yucky conditions I was so happy to be living this life and the wonderful part is it just keeps gettin' better. Now to get those goats...

Proud Urban Farmer,


  1. Aww! Your garden looks wonderful! Here's to a successful 2012 garden (clink!)



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