So This Is Love...

Everyday is Valentine's day.
However I did make the 14Th fancy with a lovely breakfast served with pink pancakes, fresh berries, and apple juice. I almost passed on the pancake making because I am still shaking some tiredness but I woke up that morning feeling energized. It was worth it especially when my son came up to me hugging, and thanking me for making him a "special" breakfast.
Reading Ministry of Motherhood has given me a new perspective on how I disciple, love, and discipline them. Sally does such a great job of explaining principles that are practical and needed to nurture a love for Jesus. The part in the book on Grace shed light in how important it is to choose words and actions that will win their hearts for the Lord. The Grace chapters have had the greatest impact on me so far(not finished with the book yet) and I appreciate her servant's heart to be a willing vessel for Jesus, to her children, and inspiring me! I want to live intentionally everyday with my children. I can get caught up in the daily grind of life like anyone else but right now, I am in a new exciting season of reflection and growth(literally too;).
My family is so important to me. I want to walk wholeheartedly in the ministry God has placed before me- my role as a wife and mother! My husband and I are not interested in just breaking chains of the past but super ceding what the past was or was NOT by reaching for God's absolute best for our family. We are called to be stewards over the gifts we were entrusted with. We are already better than we "should have" been...but I want more, Gods more not mine.
So as I look at this Valentine's day breakfast which was simple but sweetly embraced, I know I am in line with where God is refining us, and I appreciate it so much.
For me these pictures are just a few treasured moments of love. We all have our treasured moments of love. What is most important about that action, feeling, word is that it was created, freely and unconditionally given to us is this:
We love because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
As much as I love my children, my God's love is greater than any human love can explain. Daily His love changes me to my core and I am humbled!
I live in the present more than I ever have up to this point in my life. I am so thankful for today and the blessings each day brings.

Happy Love day--everyday.

