14 weeks

I am offically in my 2nd Trimester! Time is flying by..which I don't mind too much. Just means I am closer to holding my 3rd gift!
I have been quite the busy bee on the hunt for maternity clothes, and baby stuff. I bought a few things but have been blessed with tons from friends. God always finds a way to provide.  
We purchased a packnplay and actually already have it set up. Seeing it everyday reminds me on the days I get overwelmed with the work of Diabetes management to press on joyfully for my baby.
I see my baby again tomorrow, it's my favorite time when going to the Doctor. Also, I am actually looking fwd to the next A1C because I know its the best its ever been and I can't wait to share. 
Everything is going well! I feel good and am actually getting back in the cooking groove again.

Life is good, and I am thankful for today.  
