The chicks were a week or so old here :)
This is the picture of Justin bringin' home the escape, Coco.
The Girls are now 25 weeks and we are still waiting on eggs. I am sure it's the weather that has slowed the egg production, well arrival. We love our chicks.
Hazel continues to be the loudest and now has started squawking and squatting more when she is vocal. Sally is a little pistol who is the smallest but not afraid to get after Gigi and try and peck anyone who wants a hug. Her little pecks are sweet! :)
They love treats and sorta didn't know what to do when we gave them bait worms for their 20 week birthday.
Chicken adventures are always new that's for sure. We have little spots across the backyard where they love diggin' and rollin' around in dirt baths. The girls love to chase Gigi, and now Gigi chases them back. We caught Hazel running around with a mouse and squawkin' like she really had a prize.
Coco survived a night out on the town later to be found next door. It sure was fun watching my Husby jumpin' around trying to catch her while neighbors stood by watching with amusement.
It is a bit of a farm over here, and we enjoy every moment. Our Chickens make me so happy!
Now we wait for eggs any day!!!!!
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