School In Session


we are starting to learn about time lines.

PE with Daddy

Our new school year has started! Last year I made homemade donuts, and decorated. This year we bought homemade donuts and my kitchen looks like a decorated school room.

Biggest lesson I've learned so far is to plan ahead! I know that this time around I must have a plan, routine, and be more organized for this year; leaving room to be spontaneous too. But golly its not easy trying to get it all together at once. Thing is I am lazy. So it's a big thing for me to plan things out when I am usually a spur of the moment kinda gal. However, my goals for this year is to work on the things which will make it a great year, and start on planning for next year! :) I have started writing down lesson plans for the week, meal plans, some crafts to go along with our curriculum. Hey one thing at a time, with a slow and steady pace.

*deeep breath*
It can defiantly be overwhelming thinking about all the kinks that need ironing for us to get on track and have things running smoothly. This is why we will from here on do school year around with small breaks in between. Already on day 2, know I will be spending time reviewing things from last year, and working on attitude adjustments getting back to doing school work. We had a full and fun summer leaving little time to work on keeping some concepts fresh. My bad. I know that I am in a place where my faith is being tested, another growth spurt per say. The biggest desire I have is to abide in my Father God and act on his will. When I allow myself to try and be super mom I always let myself down. Posted on my kitchen window are scriptures found *here* reminding and encouraging me the difference between being a super mom and an abiding mom. As I dig in the word to affirm and build my faith I am trusting my God to lead the way.

I am excited for this new year, for the high fives for jobs well done with school work, art projects, field trips, friends, and continued teachable moments God shows me with my children. I know this year will be better than last, and next year will be better than this year. I welcome the character, growth as a mama, and teacher refining God will be doing in me on our second year home schooling.

Some scriptures that encourage me as I begin this new year:
Isaiah 26:3- where peace is found in trial
Eph. 4:32- practicing grace
Proverbs 22:6 - teaching my children to be Godly
Gal 5:22-26- lead by Holy Spirit
Prov 31:28- children arise and call me blessed
Col 3:2- perspective based on what is unseen
John 15:5- abides in Christ to bear much fruit

Thank you Father for your blessings and a new year we dedicated to you.

