Graysen's Curriculum for 2011-2012

Diligently I researched, prayed, talked with many home schooling friends on curriculum they really liked, attended home school meetings where curriculum was reviewed, prayed some more, and finally I can confidently say I am done with the research. phew... This is what curriculum we are using:

Math U See/Alpha

Our Father's World (God's Creation Series)

Studying God's Word Book A/B- Excited about this because it give a short lesson, scripture memorization, there is some questions, and craft ideas given at the end of the lesson, The Bible-

History/Social Studies-
History for Little Pilgrims by Michael J. McHugh, Edward J. Shewan and Eric D. Bristley
I will also be supplementing with a workbook called, World Countries(k-1) I purchased from the 1$ aisle at Target and The USBORNE BOOK OF THINGS PEOPLE DO

Language Arts-
Grammer: First Language Lessons For the Well Trained Mind by Jesse Wise

A Reason for Handwriting - Manuscript a: Manuscript -So excited for this, for its writing scriptures, a great way to learn the Word and improve Graysen's writing.

Swapping between Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann and Click N' Read. We will be using Readers I have slowly been collecting from Goodwill etc.
We will also finish up using the Abeka Letters and Sounds K for more phonics

Foreign Language- Spanish for Children, 2003 ed.
I am hoping to incorporate this into our everyday lessons even if it's 10 minutes a day. I also have Spanish flashcards, and a book of 500 Spanish words with pictures for children. I am not very fluent, I learned from my Puerto Rican family growing up, and kept up with enough to hold a conversation to some degree. I am better at understanding, than speaking. This is a chance to brush up on common words I have forgotten! :) It is very much apart of who I am and hope my children develop a love for Spanish as well.

Art- We don't have any curriculum but we will be doing tons of arts and crafts in many of the subjects already so I am sure we will supplement with some specific arts but nothing is planned as of yet. :)

My Hubs being a certified PE teacher, he will Rock at teaching the kids in this area. We are looking into continuing Graysen's Karate, and community held sports. This will be Gwyneth's first year possibly getting into something like dance..we'll see.

Extended Learning: I intend on using websites, the library, our homeschooling group to also enrich my children's learning experience.

I am so very excited for this year of schooling! My desire is to create a love for learning. Creating an environment that's fun, with structure, routine, and order are this year's goals. When praying about the research process, and then reading reviews on so many curriculum choices, I was, admittedly overwhelmed at first. Afterall, there is just so much to choose from it can be very overwhelming. Then it was the Holy Spirit who gently reminded me to trust in His lead. I did and am very pleased with what I choose.

Often times I can get caught up in today's fast pace society, thinking I am not doing enough, wanting to jump ahead in the academic realm but frankly, I believe I would be doing my kids harm with that mentality. Redirecting my thoughts to how I want the school year to go; not to rush, embrace the now, create a Godly example of Love, focus on mastering concepts, retention, and letting them learn at the level they are at right now will enhance their desire to learn and actually remember! Ideally my desire is to have both children learning history, science, bible, Spanish together and nurture their individual learning(on the level they are on) in math, and reading. That thought had a lot to do with choosing this year's curriculum. So we will be ready to start school mid August, and I hope to be much more organized before starting school. So, I will spend time between now and then working on setting a routine, and lesson plans. Hoping for the best!

God is so good, and continues to rock my mind in how he is moving in me and our family life. It is quite incredible. I am so thankful to my Jesus for leading beautiful friends in my life to help encourage, support, and grow with in this area! I look back to last year and where I was(I was clueless in many ways), and am just so thrilled at the place I am at now. Recently I saw a quote that I will modify to my own; "I don't know where I am going, But by my Shepard's lead I have faith I am on my way to where he wants me to be." His way is the Only way, and his way surpasses any idea of success I may have on how things could/should/may go. So I stay with it, Thanking him all the way through.

Looking forward to the growth, challenges, change, excitement, knowledge to come in this new school year! YAY!

-now to start the lesson plans...


