Making A Difference One Suitcase At A Time

Sometimes it's just mind boggling how awesome the works are of our God. A lot of the time I am left speechless when things like this happen. What am I talking about? Well, the entire story is for another blog but basically this young 14 girl told me about THIS because she overheard me talking about how our family desires to foster/adopt some children. We are waiting for the door to be open when we are able to move forward with fostering/adoption until then its my motto to embrace the now. Right now, I must start somewhere and when I checked it out, I was instantly drawn to finding a way to get involved.

PCC is a community outreach program started by Connie in December of 2009. She has a generous heart filled with love, and found a way to make an impact for children in the foster care system. She started this organization with the hope of giving as many children as she could a personalized suitcase filled with some basic amenities, in hopes to giving the child something of their very own. Almost a year and a half later, through her dedication, PCC has now given over 300 children their very own suitcase.

Often times in the foster care system children move from one placement home to the next, never really having stability, and usually moving with a trash bag with a few items to each new placement family. If you can imagine it's tough for these children to even understand why they are in foster care, or if they understand why, the emotional effects of instability and their unfortunate background can leave scars that last a long time.

Did you know there are an estimated 12 million foster care alumni and 424,000 children and youth currently in out-of-home (foster) care *HERE*

Not everyone may have the means to foster or adopt but putting forth effort to love a child in need simply by donating individual items that go in the suitcase, or donating suitcase ready to be given to them could change their life's outlook, or change the course of their life entirely. This is not just an outreach program that is a one time donation and its forgotten about. These children will have something of their very own for the time they are in foster care. The suitcase symbolizes HOPE, is an act of Love, and kindness.

I encourage you to check out the homepage or click here to find out how you can help. I can boldly say, this isn't just a feel good about yourself act of kindness I am asking from people. The reality for these thousands of children is they live often times feeling lost, alone, UNLOVED, damaged from their past. We cannot all save them from this lifestyle but as my pastor always says, "inch by inch its a cinch."

People don't change the world by doing some HUGE thing at once, it's starting with the small things that lead up to great moves of change. One suitcase, one child, makes a difference in ONE life. Please take time out to check out this organization and see how you can be apart of giving a child hope, love, kindness one suitcase at a time.

Blessings to you,

