Chicken Coop Construction Day Uno

Yesterday my Dad started on our chicken coop, and I couldn't be happier! Wow, its coming together sooner than later.

We are using all the wood scraps from around our house so the measurements aren't completely accurate but pops is doing the best he can with what we have. I love him and am grateful for all his hard work. I need to learn some carpentry so I can do more than hammer some nails. Phew its hard work, looks like it is anyway.

Today is actually day 2 so I will post pictures of today progress later..or tomorrow.

I snapped a picture of Gwynni saying, "bok, bok".. Good times. The kids are just as excited as I am.

We have spent a total of 30$ so far for nails, hindges, chicken wire, and included is 4$ for some scrap tin some people were throwing away for the roof. It won't be a purdy roof but it'll do the job.

We are a few steps closer to calling ourselves urban backyard farmers! Sweeet!
*wonder if I get a goat if I can milk it and drink the milk..alll in our backyard? Maybe.....

One thing at a time, right!? Right. Ha.

Urban Farmer wana be, gonna be,


**happy memorial day, proud of our troops, and proud to be an American. Rock !! **


  1. you will have so much fun with your hens, we love ours! The chick stage is the best, take lots of photos, I wish I had taken more when they were chicks!


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