Karate Kid's Belt Ceremony

Back in March Graysen had his first belt ceremony. He has been taking karate lessons for about 6 months and had earned strips according to learned lessons. So on the ceremony night we were proudly sitting, and supporting our son's first belt upgrade!!!! He went from the white belt to white with yellow stripe. Fighting stance:

Stretching and smiling!
Horse Riding Stance:

His teacher Mr. Bond tells them, I will not give you the belt, if you want it you must TAKE IT!
This part was very moving, for Mr. Bond told the students that Karate is about building character, disciple, hard work, dedication. He said that if you desire to accomplish your dreams to put God first, keep all the character building lessons in your heart, and you can do anything. Here they are acknowledging the move from old to new, respecting the things taught to move to the next level.
Here he is happy to strap on his new belt!
When we first started this adventure, I was hesitant. Well frankly, didn't want to let him do it. I thought this is really not Graysen but as the months have gone by, and I have seen some changes in my boy, I am proud we stuck with this. During the ceremony I realized the way Mr. Bond teaches Karate is much how we are to be as Christ followers. We are called to be consistent, sacrifice sometimes, disciplined, be dedicated, willing to go the distance for the one who gave it all.

So, I am proud to say I have changed my mind on how I initially felt about karate, and look forward to watching my boy flourish in this endeavor. He is after all the cutest little karate kid I have ever seen!!

