Do you know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 1
  • diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which means to say that it is a disease where the immune system of the body automatically destructs the body’s essential cells and tissues.

  • In the case of diabetes type 1, the body aims at destructing the beta cells of the pancreas organ. These cells help in producing the hormone insulin which is required by the body to breakdown sugars. In the absence of these cells the body produces lesser amounts of insulin. When less amounts of insulin are produced, the body is not able to breakdown ingested sugars to produce energy by providing glucose.

  • Type 1 diabetes is often associated with young people and is therefore also referred to as ‘juvenile diabetes.’ However, in recent times, many cases of type 1 diabetes have also been reported in adults and therefore it should be diagnosed carefully.

  • It is important for a person suffering from type 1 diabetes to regularly inject himself with insulin, to provide the body with the required amount. In the absence of these injections, the brain might go in coma due to lack of energy provided by sugars, in the form of glucose.

  • Lack of a proper diet may lead to death or a coma. Proper care should be taken by regular exercise, frequently self checking sugar levels, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Type 2

  • Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder, which means that it is caused as a result of the dysfunction of the body’s natural ability to produce the hormone insulin. This insulin deficiency may also cause an increase in the amount of sugars in the blood, which might have severe consequences. It may also be caused when the cells of the body are not able to use the insulin produced effectively.

  • Type 2 diabetes is often associated with old people, with most of its sufferers aged over 45. A characteristic feature of this disease is the non-requirement of insulin to be injected into the body. It is therefore also referred to as Non-Insulindependent diabetes.

  • Another group often targeted by this kind of diabetes are people who are overweight or those who have a family history of diabetes.

  • This disease can be properly treated by maintaining weight and frequent physical activity, which help in bringing down a person’s sugar levels. However, if the sugar levels are not controlled then it is medically advised to inject small amounts of insulin. Maintaining a proper diet is also an important part of the treatment, helping in the controlling of blood sugar levels and consequently maintaining weight.

  • In certain cases, medications may be required to maintain sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Through proper medication and frequent exercise, it is very easy for a person to maintain his/her weight and control type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes only makes up five to fifteen percent of those with Diabetes, making type 2 the much more frequent strain.Diabetes is a manageable but long term condition. As of yet, there is no definitive cure for diabetes and the best thing to do is to continue to manage it as best as possible. Diabetes does not mean the end to a life, but there can be some unpleasant conclusions to the condition. The risk of death is increased, as is the risk of losing the use of legs or hands.Diabetes is a common condition which is known to affect around 2.3 million people. It is believed that half a million more people, at least, also suffer from the condition, without diagnosis.

Its important to me to inform others about Diabetes not only because I have it, but education on the disease helps others to understand, and gain the RIGHT knowledge about it. It's serious, and new to me. Hard to deal with at times, because I DONT get a break from poking myself, or trying to maintain healthy Blood glucose levels. It affects the person with it, and the loved ones around them. So, I do this for myself and all the people who want to know what its like, what it is, difference between the the 2 Types,and support.

*all information was found on *



  1. I wish I could have these printed ON MY FACE so that people could just read them when they find out i am diabetic, and say "cant you just work out or control your diet"? LOL :)


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