Merry Christmas~Love us!

Our Christmas card we sent out via email... Loved taking these, I laughed a good laugh, trying to persuade my kiddos to smile big, or bribe them"I'll give you some candy", or them mimicking my facial expressions-hence the bottom middle pic! They are the light of our lives!! Enjoy! oh-click on the pic to see up close!



  1. Cute blog! Enjoyed reading all your posts. Merry Christmas!

  2. Great Idea! I might have to do the same. You got your boy and girl, too. They are adorable. Love the little bottom decorating the tree. Made me giggle.

    Thanks again for stopping by. I'm now following you, although I think my profile is messed up, so you might not know it's me.

  3. Your blog is adorable and so are your kids! Precious little ones! And they look like they have a lot of fun together!

    Merry Christmas!


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